HolisticalVets' Pet Memorial Page

To learn about HolisticalVets LLC's in-home euthanasia and pet memorial keepsake services, please click here.

HolisticalVets’ Pet Memorial Page is dedicated to honoring cherished animals who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and now live on in their humans’ hearts. As you scroll down, you’ll find heartfelt tributes and photographs that showcase the unique personalities and special moments that made those pets so special in the lives they touched.

To include a picture of your beloved pet, along with a heartfelt paragraph about him or here, please feel free to send us an email at info@holisticalvets.com. We would be honored to help their memory live on. 

A sweet dog being remembered after crossing over the Rainbow Bridge

Remembering Roxie

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

Remembering Niko.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

A cute hound dog being remembered after crossing over the Rainbow Bridge

“Pedro is the best friend we ever had. True to his hound nature, he loved the outdoors with his nose to the ground sniffing out everything. We had fun and everyone he came across loved him. He loves car rides and went everywhere we could take him.” – Kathy D. 

Sweet male orange cat being remembered after passing away

Remembering Cougar.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

In remembrance of a beloved male Shih Tzu who passed away

“Epic Melon. My Hunka Hunka. My Nugget. My Zen Buddha Baby. My Snuggly Snu. My Flopsy Mopsy. You knew we belonged together instantly! I remember going to Michael’s to pick out my next agility dog. You came right up to me, so excited, so precocious, so playful. I pointed to your brother and said “that puppy would make an amazing agility dog, but this puppy (you) is sleeping on my lap.” So it was to be and we became each others.

You were such a silly, jovial puppy. Rolling out of your puppy pen, waking up at 330am for potty breaks (a pattern that carried into adulthood). You loved to give smooches, so much so that “give kiss” became your very first trick. 

You loved people and you loved life! Always the Bell of the Ball! Strangers were just friends we haven’t met yet.

It was clear agility was not going to be your thing (though you had the skills). You had a different calling.

Your passion was bringing joy to others. You did just that with your work as a Certified Therapy Dog. Best known for your Building Communication Skills groups and working with kids, you had a natural ability for knowing who needed you. I remember one time we were at the hospital and you ignored the patient and went to the visitor. The patient later told me that the visitor really needed that. I also remember the time you woke from a deep sleep just to cuddle someone who was tearing up in my office. Let’s also not forget you caring for Mima after her surgery (your first assignment after passing your test). I can go on and on about your therapy work as there were countless moments you intuitively showed up for people. 

You also knew how to be there for me always. I will never forget the time Blossom went to the hospital and when I came home exhausted and sad, you jumped on my lap, put your paws on my shoulders and your head under my chin. You just hugged me. You knew. You would jump on me and give me comfort whenever I was sad or anxious. You loved to give hugs and kisses and nestle your head under my chin. One time you even bruised my rib when you enthusiastically jumped on me to hug me. You also loved being cradled in my arms like a baby. You would naturally just fall into place and give your little love snorts as I rubbed your belly, then you would kiss me. I think I will miss those snorts, grunts and kisses the most. Grunts and snorts were your love language.

You truly lived up to your name Epic (AKA Olive’s Grove Larger Than Life). As Mima said, you “don’t do anything in a small way.” Always so chill, the ultimate Zen Buddha Baby. Your energy brought such a playful and grounding balance to the house. There was a time that I thought you hardly ever got your way, because you were never really vocal about it. You just waited for the universe to bring you what you needed. Fun fact: Me thinking you hardly got your way I think resulted in you getting your way the most!

You also were a little mischievous. You would always help yourself to my leftovers (licking Ben and Jerry’s cartons (Phish Food) particularly was your favorite).  You loved to jump on the coffee table, night stand and my desk (which is how I dubbed you my personal assistant). And you loved to sleep in boxes. At some point I thought you were just mocking me because we have so many dog beds to choose from and you chose random boxes. You also loved to sleep in the window, so much so I had a special cushion custom made for you.

You were so good with both Blossom and La Bamba!. Sometimes a little sneaky, trying to get them to play with each other so you can snuggle with the Momma. Remember when we used to sneak down to watch TV after Blossom went to bed?

Epic, you are my soul! Our bond was so special. I remember telling someone how Blossom and LB! play together and they asked if I was going to get another dog because you needed a friend. My reply, “Epic doesn’t need a friend, I’m his friend!” We were such good buddies. You loved to have snuggles at night while I was watching TV and running to greet me with a toy in your mouth whenever I came through the front door. You loved being cradled in my arms like a baby, snorting and giving me a kiss.

I could go on and on about you! You are the dog that makes big dog people want little dogs. Hell, you are the dog that makes people who aren’t dog people want dogs (even Nana). You are one in a million! Epic, you are mashed potatoes in a world full of french fries and I can’t imagine life without you!

I can’t imagine walking through the door without you running to me wagging your tail with a toy in your mouth, or going on walks without you and La Bamba! walking in sync. I can’t imagine not saying “Oh Epic, your just so handsome!” or yelling at you for getting into my leftovers (you would think I was just getting excited about the fun you were having or that I wasn’t talking to you at all). I can’t imagine not watching you wake up from a sleep just to move an inch to the right or sprawl out on the floor. I can’t imagine not watching you sleep, with all your vulnerabilities exposed, and hearing you snore (your snoring used to wake me up at night). I can’t imagine not seeing that look you would give when you were about to be mischevious (I would try to stop you and you would stop, look at me and then proceed to what ever mischief you were about to manage as if I could no longer see you). I can’t imagine not snuggling with you at night or you moving to Dan’s spot in bed after he left for work. I can’t imagine not taking you for acupuncture. I can’t imagine not taking you to see Santa (you loved him so much!). I can’t imagine not going on vacations with you (especially Lake George). I can’t imagine not seeing you sleep in the window or hogging the air conditioner vent when it is hot out. I can’t imagine not giving you french fries from McDonald’s or hearing your love snorts. I can’t imagine not listening to Sleeping with a Friend, Jealous (I know you are made of pure love, you still knew how to protect the Momma) and Staying Alive while taking you to your appointments (for the last 10 months you were strong, brave, loving and, of course, a little mischievous through it all!)

Just know that even though I can’t imagine life without you, when I think about life with you, all of those things is what I will imagine and so much more!

I would love to say “until we meet again”, but I know you are a Buddhist and I sincerely hope this lifetime brought you to Nirvana. In which case, I WILL see you again when I reach my own Nirvana. Until then, I will miss you immensely and completely.

I love you Nugget, and I am eternally grateful you chose me!” – Joanna M. 

A small white dog being remembered on HolisticalVets' website after passing

Remembering Teddy.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

Remembering a beloved dog who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge

Remembering Batcher.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

In remembrance of a cherished female cat who passed away

“Sycho aka Sy, was a wonderful gal who liked every one. The saying in our house would be “if she likes you, she bites you.” She had a quick right paw and enjoyed sitting on things you were working on. She would frequently join in on FaceTime phone calls and Zoom meetings, making absolutely sure her opinion was heard. Sy loved watching kinetic sand videos and any show with an exciting scene. She understood my jokes and puns and would always give me a knowing look when a job landed just right. Sy was a fantastic familiar and was very intuitive. She liked to sit outside in the backyard and stare into the void or roll in the dirt and get absolutely filthy. Her eyes were the brightest blue and her coat was as soft as a rabbit. She was my girlfriend and my special bunny kitty.” – Sandy N.

Sweet female Labrador being remembered after passing away

Remembering Dannie.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

Remembering a sweet female dog who passed away by putting her picture on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

Remembering Mala.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

Sweet female cat being remembered after passing away

Remembering Luna.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

Remembering a sweet Labrador who passed away by putting his picture on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

Remembering Duke.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

Sweet female black cat being remembered after passing away

“Lilah was a feral who was born in a backyard in Colorado, and she made her way to New Jersey after her Papa brought her here to marry his girlfriend. She was a timid girl who grew to love her feline sisters and brother, Dorp, Marbles, Shashi, Kira (RIP), and especially Handsome Pete. She loved playing with her fishing pole feathers, lying in the sun, and sitting in her Mommy’s lap while Mommy worked on her computer. In her later years, she became less shy and came out when company was around looking for pets howling for treats. She loved her brush, and tolerated baths and nail clippings (especially when given churu treats after). She is loved dearly and will be missed forever.” – Leah S.

Sweet female Shar Pei being remembered after passing away on HolisticalVets' Pet Memorial page

Remembering Coco.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

Remembering a sweet poodle mix who passed away

Remembering Nova.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

In remembrance of a cherished female cat who passed away

Remembering Scout. 

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

A female large breed dog being remembered after passing

Remembering Baci.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

A cute female dog being remembered after crossing over the Rainbow Bridge

Remembering Betsy.

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

In remembrance of a family pet that passed away

“Saying goodbye is never easy. Zoe has been with us for over 14 years. She is family. Rest easy our Zoe.” – Andrew C.

A memorial to a female Beagle mix

Remembering Miley. 

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

In remembrance of a loved female cat who passed away

Remembering Gidget. 

Our thoughts are with her loving family.

A male dog being remembered after passing

Remembering Max.

Our thoughts are with his loving family.

Beautiful Bernese Mountain dog being remembered on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page after passing away

“Maggi was one of the most beautiful dogs you’d ever see but her gentle and excitable spirit was what made her special. She loved her pitbull sister, Dakota, her human babies, Easton (4), Nolan (1.5), and Shea (5 months) and her mom and dad have always and will continue to love her and cherish all the memories made with her.” – Megan B.

In remembrance of a beloved male longhaired cat who passed away

“Munch, my munchie, my munchkin. The most beautiful creature I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, of being chosen by. His gentle spirit was beloved by all, especially his twin brother, Fin. Munch doted on his big brother and was devoted to us in such a magical, loving way. A true earth angel. Nothing will ever be the same.” – Alyse G.

Remembering a sweet Chihuahua who passed away by putting his picture on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“Ringo was a spunky man who loved nothing more than a warm fluffy bed and the smell of hot rotisserie chicken. Although small, he was mighty and majestic. Born in central Florida, he has graced four states and large cities such as Miami Beach, FL Buffalo, NY and Atlantic City, NJ with his presence. He was loved and adored by many, but none more than his owner, Amanda, who had him since he was 8 weeks old and no larger than a can of Pepsi. Thanks for the ‘paw-ty’ Ringo Lingy – You’ll be missed.” – Amanda M. 

Remembering a beautiful cat who passed away by putting her picture on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“For the short time I was lucky enough to have you, I loved you dearly.” – Kate C. 

A handsome male cat being remembered after crossing over the Rainbow Bridge

Remembering Mickey.

Our hearts go out to his loving family. 

A sweet dog with a smile

“Best dog ever. Very loving, loyal, and loved everybody. Fulfilled her purpose in life here on earth.” – James S. 

A cute Dalmatian being remembered after crossing over the Rainbow Bridge

“Luckey Domino Gibbons crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 8, 2024. We love you so much pup. You have loved us your whole life. We will miss you the rest of ours. Mommy, Nicole, Desiree, and baby Robin love you so much. Thank you for always being here for us during the good times and the bad. Sleep peacefully now baby boy.” – Kathleen G.

A male dog being remembered on HolisticalVets' Pet Memorial page after passing

“Rudy, the” best boy ever”, you gave us 13 amazing years full of love, happiness and wonderful memories. We are so grateful for the love and laughs that you shared with us throughout the years. Our hearts are shattered. Until we meet again sweet boy, we will miss you and we love you with all of our hearts. XOXOXO Daddy, Mommy, Steven, Darcy and Ryan. RIP Sweet Baby. 5-2-11 – 6-28-24″ – Kelly M.

Remembering a sweet dog who passed away by putting his picture on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“Scooter – 06/07/2011-06/17/2024 – Scooter was the best dog, companion our family could have asked for. He gave us years of happiness. In his younger years he loved to run the neighborhood any chance that he was able to escape from the yard or dart out the door. He was smart and loyal. He loved his family, especially his buddy Matthew. He thought Matthew’s room was his room. Rest in peace buddy, we will miss you.” – Cheryl R. 

In remembrance of a beloved female cat who passed away

Remembering Sherbert.

Our hearts go out to her loving family. 

Remembering a loved Golden Retriever who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge

Remembering Lillie.

Our hearts go out to her loving family. 

A female dog being remembered after passing

“Remi will always be our sweet angel. She never barked but loved to howl and wag her tail. She loved to dig and lay in her favorite dirt spot. She was a foster fail doggy. She leaves behind a sister named Lilly who will miss her always. She will be forever loved by her family and all who knew her. Happy Tails, Remi.” – Gregory H.

A memorial to a female Shih Tzu

“Blossom was named after the cherry blossoms that were in bloom when I brought her home. On paper she is known as Melon’s Blossom When I Want To.  To me she is known as Bloss, Princess Peach, Scungilli, Boops and Mama. 

Blossom came into my life by happenstance. I saw this precocious puppy enthusiastically playing with her crate mate and then suddenly being placed to play with me. It was love at first sight. 

She was smart and funny, so funny. She always knew if she made me laugh she won. Who am I kidding, Blossom won over every room she was in. Whether it was barking by the stairs to let everyone know it is bed time or prancing on two paws with her arms up because she wanted to be picked up, or rolling on her back and “fixing her hair” while waiting, at times impatiently, for a belly rub, she ran the show and I was happy to follow her lead. 

She did so much on her own terms. Agility being one of them. She was amazing at the derivative that she invented and became a fan favorite and an agility celebrity in her own right. It was in the agility world that I humbly and happily became known as the best thing anyone has ever called me, “Blossom’s mom”.

We did so much together. When I first brought her home and had to go to work my heart would physically ache being away from her. Someone told me that feeling would fade. I told them it wouldn’t (and ps it didn’t) because I only could love Blossom with my whole heart. Blossom taught me how to love with my whole heart! 

She taught me so much. She taught me patience and trust. She taught me about fearful reactivity and positive reinforcement. She taught me how to enjoy the wind blowing in my hair. She taught me about agility. She taught me adjusting our goals doesn’t mean giving up on our dreams. She taught me how to dream and how to try. She taught me I can do hard things. Hell she taught me about life. And what a life we had together!

Her life was filled with naps in the sunshine (and on her very own chaise lounge), cuddles, friends, bellybrubs of “impending doom”, vacations to North Carolina, Lake George, and dog camp, lazy Sundays, pizza crust, gangsta rap, the best themed birthdays ever, crispy noodles, agility fun, walking the reservoir, watching her favorite shows, strawberries, taking up the whole bed, refusing to move when it was time to make said bed and thoroughly enjoying being “trapped” under fitted sheets, playing with her brothers, Halloween costumes and Christmas cards, lots of photo ops, waking me up just before the alarm by jumping on me and scratching my nose, always knowing when I was upset and how to make me feel better (I hope I did the same for her).

She was so full of life and personality. Such an expressive face. I often would tell people she tells the story of her soul with her eyes. We loved each other unconditionally and unapologetically. She IS my heart. 

Blossom I know whatever the next adventure is, wherever you are, you are doing it your way!

Until we meet again, with every step, every breath, every heartbeat, I love you Blossom with my WHOLE heart!” – Joanna M.

Male orange cat being remembered on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page after passing away

“Garfield found us as a stray when he was 6 weeks old. He was the best cat. He loved to be held and snuggled. His title was Lord Fluffington of East Poofindorf. He will be missed terribly.” – Gail P.

Sweet male cat being remembered after passing away

“My Percy boy, oh how the world will miss you. I hope your belly will always be full of food, your heart filled with love, and your paws making biscuits. You will be with Pepper again; I’m sure he has missed you all these years. Thank you for being for sensitive and helping me through everything. You will continue to do so beyond the end.” – Sarah C.

Beautiful Greater Swiss Mountain dog being remembered after passing away on HolisticalVets' Pet Memorial page

“Rowdy was the best pal a girl could ever hope for. We scaled mountains and lounged on couches. She is loved to the moon and back.” – Samantha R.

Adorable male Yorkshire Terrier with paw up being remembered after passing away

“Eli, You are the best little baby.  Your sisters miss their little brother, and Mommy and Daddy miss you so much!  I especially miss your kisses.  You will always be my baby boy.  I hope you’re having the best time enjoying eternal sunshine in Heaven with Lulu.  Best friends furever!  I love you now and forever, my little peanut.  Love, Mommy” – Debbie H.

White female Havanese being remembered

Remembering Fiona.

Our hearts go out to her loving family.

Sweet mixed dog pictured outside that is being remembered on HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

Remembering Bam Bam.

Our thoughts are with his loving family. 

Beautiful brown hound mix dog sitting on a bed being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“Hanky was an amazing dog. He never met a person he didn’t love. He was a wonderful family member to have just for too short of a time. He will be greatly missed and always loved.” – Patricia B. 

Happy male golden retriever running outside in a field being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

Remembering Brady.

Our hearts go out to his loving family. 

Chocolate Burmese cat sitting in a cat bed being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“CereBow remembered: We are humbled and honored to be amongst the energies and animal spirits, like CereBow, that make up the dimensions. That we can connect with your animal spirit subliminally and that your Spirit can connect with our Spirit, bringing the ethereal plane into existence. Your beautiful CereBow presence made all of our senses come alive and at the same time made being alive a mystery! Our love of your Spirit is boundless and palpable. May the Moon goddess and Quan Yin endow your inimitable glorious, compassionate spirit within us!” – William V.

Very cute black and white cavachon sitting on the floor being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“We are so saddened by Bandit’s loss. He was the most special dog and provided so much love and joy for our family. He will be forever missed, but we will cherish his memory every day. Rest in peace sweet angel.” – Elyse B.

Gray and white domestic shorthaired cat being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page
“Sky, you were the sweetest cat and I know you’re making biscuits in the clouds above while drooling happily. I will always love you.” – Mary S.
Black and white domestic shorthaird cat being remembered via HolisticalVets' pet memorial page

“Not a day goes by where you are not in our thoughts, Sparky. We love you and miss you so much. Thank you for being my heart cat.” – Grace A.

Their lifespan may be shorter than ours, but the joy, love, and companionship they bring into our lives is immeasurable.

– Anonymous